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Thule Urban Glide 2 double double jogging stroller aluminium/jet black
Thule Urban Glide 2 double double jogging stroller aluminium/jet black
Thule Urban Glide 2 double double jogging stroller aluminium/jet black
Thule Urban Glide 2 double double jogging stroller aluminium/jet black
A woman walks down a cobbled street with her kids in a Thule Urban Glide 2 double jogging stroller.
A toddler and a baby sit in the black Thule Urban Glide 2 double jogging stroller with a car seat attached.
A woman pushes her black Thule Urban Glide 2 double jogging stroller with a bassinet and toddler seat.
A woman holds a bouquet of flowers and tends to two kids in a black Thule Urban Glide 2 double jogging stroller.
A family play in a playground in the sunshine next to their black Thule Urban Glide 2 double jogging stroller.
Two women wearing blue and holding flowers walk with their kids in a black Thule Urban Glide 2 double stroller.
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Thule Urban Glide 2 double

double jogging stroller aluminium/jet black

A double all-terrain stroller with a sleek, lightweight design, making it perfect for urban exploration or strolling on your favorite path with two children. Comfortable for children and ergonomic for parents!

The ultimate all-terrain stroller

A double all-terrain stroller with a sleek, lightweight design, making it perfect for urban exploration or strolling on your favorite path with two children. Comfortable for children and ergonomic for parents!

A double jogging stroller for outdoor activities

A double all-terrain stroller with a sleek, lightweight design, making it perfect for urban exploration or strolling on your favorite path with two children. Comfortable for children and ergonomic for parents! The design includes large 16” rear wheels, suspension for comfort and control, and a swivel front wheel for strolling and maneuvering around town that quickly and easily locks in place for jogging or rougher terrain.

Tested to the limit

At the Thule Test Center™ in Hillerstorp, Sweden, our rigorous internal testing ensures our products can handle the toughest conditions.  After all, our strollers are made for the most important people in the world. Below are just some of the many tests we conduct.
Explore Thule test center
A Thule jogging stroller is being tested in the Thule test center durability test.

Durability tests

Used to evaluate the performance under conditions such as those that might be encountered during use on rough or uneven terrain.
A Thule stroller is being tested in the Thule test center tipping and parking brake test.

Tipping and parking brake tests

Evaluates the stability of the product and its ability to remain upright under various conditions. Also, it checks the product’s ability to hold stationary when it is not in use.
A stroller is being tested in the Thule test center impact test.

Impact tests

This test drops the product down a slope with a specific impact force, in order to simulate the types of forces that might be encountered while the product is in use.
Two people are assessing the materials of a Thule newborn stroller.

Only the safest materials

All our strollers and accessories are made of textiles and materials free from harmful substances, so that you can feel confident using them with your newborn.
Easy to maneuver, thanks to the swivel front wheel that locks into place for jogging, and to the 16” rear wheels
One-handed, compact fold for easy storage and transportation
Integrated twist hand brake provides speed control on hilly terrain
Can be used from birth with Thule Bassinet or infant car seat adapter (sold separately - Bassinet not available in all markets). Seat and canopy fabric can be removed to create a clean look
Multi-position canopy with side-ventilation windows ensures your child is comfortable
Reclining seat – convenient one-handed recline
Suspension makes the ride smooth for both parent and child
Ergonomic, adjustable handlebar for maximum parent comfort
Plenty of room to bring everything you need thanks to large cargo basket with zip-top cover, rear mesh pocket, and two mesh compartments for snacks or toys
Secure and comfortable seat with padded 5-point harness and integrated ventilation
Peekaboo window with magnetic closure lets you check on your sleeping child without disturbing him or her
Improved visibility thanks to reflective rims on all wheels and reflective edge on canopy

Accessories for Thule Urban Glide 2 double

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